• Sports Physicals (LTMS & LTHS)

    All students wishing to try out for a sport in the Middle School or High School must have a Sports Physical including the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form on file signed off by the school doctor and will be good for 365 days.

    A student-athlete would be eligible for participation in athletics ONLY,
    IF they meet ALL of the following criteria:

    1.   Parent/Guardian and student-athlete must complete the
        Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form and the Health History Update Questionnaire.

    2.   Page 3 & 4 of the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form  MUST be completed by a
        licensed physician, advanced practice nurse or physician assistant and complete the
        Student-Athlete Cardiac Assessment Professional Development Module

    Once all forms are completed, they are to be submitted to the school nurse and you must allow at least 2 full weeks for our physician to review and approve it before your child is cleared to participate.  Once approved, all forms will be filed in the nurse's office.  

    The final step in the process for your child to be cleared for sports participation is for you and your child to register with the Family ID program. Please note any and all health concerns on the Family ID forms. 

    Please note, for fall sports, we recommend that all paperwork is submitted prior to the end of the school year in order to be cleared to participate in the start of the fall season. 

    For More Information ~ Athletic Office